Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Blog Award!

                                      Thank you Arlene for awarding me the Stylish Blogger Award!

          The rules for the Stylish Blogger Award are:
  1. Thank the person who gave it to you and link back to their blog.
  2. Share 8 things about yourself. 
  3. Pass this on to 8 others that you have recently discovered.
   Here are  8 things about myself :

   1. I am a geography teacher
   2. I like to work with children
   3. I love to travel
   4. I like to spend my free time in nature
   5. Since I discovered quilling, I have a new hobby
   6. I dream of an expedition to Africa
   7. I am sociable and with a sense of humor
   8. I like that I've made friends here on blogger, from wich I had learned through their work and who   inspired me.

   I will now pass this award on to the following individuals:

   1. Paula http://chillinwithquillin.blogspot.com/
   2. Manuk http://manuk.ro/en/
   3. Andreea http://andreeahandmade.blogspot.com/
   4. Dr Sonia SV  http://cardsandschoolprojects.blogspot.com/
   5. Katrin http://katrin-hobby.blogspot.com/
   6. Kiddo http://printre-pagini.blogspot.com/
   7. Philippa http://quilliance.blogspot.com/
   8. Larisa Ana http://quillingskazka.blogspot.com/


  1. I am honored Mihaela. I also thank you for dropping by my blog often and taking the time to leave such kind and encouraging words.Thank you.
    Hugs and Cheers

  2. Mihaela, спасибо!!!!!!!! Очень приятно))))))))))))))

  3. С большим удовольствием,Ana Maria, вы заслуживаете

  4. Mihaela - thank you! I am honoured that you should think of me, and thank you for visiting my blog.

  5. Multumesc pentru premiu, Mihaela! Nu ma asteptam, chiar a foar o surpriza. Una foarte placuta!

    Spor la quilling in continuare!

  6. lovely blog...new follower here :)

  7. Multumesc mult pentru premiu! A fost o surpriza tare placuta! Chiar daca nu spun eu multe pe aici, iti admir de ceva vreme lucrarile quilling. Imi plac pentru ca sunt atat de originale si intotdeauna in culori placute.

  8. It was a pleasure for me to give you that award, all you deserve it.

    P.S. Kiddo, iti multumesc si eu pentru comment-ul tau.

  9. Multumesc Mihaela pentru premiu. Ma bucur ca imi vizitezi blogul si iti place.
    Spor la quilling in continuare si felicitari pentru imaginatia de care dai dovada!

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