Tuesday, November 22, 2011

How to make branches ( crenguta de brad )- video tutorial

I made this tutorial for Baukje and for any other are interested. She asked me to explain how I made branches. I use only my hand, without any tools. Just take a look! Sorry for the poor quality of the video. It was a bit difficult to make this tutorial alone. Beside that, my cat wanted to play with my strip,   jumped on the table.....uffff!!!

If you say is not clear enough and you don't understand how to made, I will try to make another video, more clear than this one.

:)) I forgot to set my camera on mute and TV was near me, so sorry for the news from TV.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Bells for Christmas

Have to thanks to Neli  because on her blog I saw for the first time multi strip technique and branch of tree, to Susan  because she helped me by her tutorial to understood how to make multi strip and, last but not least, that's Suganthi  has inspired me to making this kind of bells. Thanks you ladies!!!

I chose Palette #2 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sweet colors of autumn

In reality colors are not so strong, but my camera would not capture the real colors (:

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Christmas card

This is my first Christmas card. I was so unpatience to create something for this special moments, wich I consider that is the most beautiful from the year!

I will participate with this card to Card Caravan Challenge #5 – Homemade Flowers and 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Colorfull bouqet

    Two first pictures were computer processed. I wanted to play with diffrent effects.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Blue roses


These are my first roses