Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Red arrangement for Christmas



  1. I znowu coś pięknego zrobiłaś:)

  2. Toate felicitarile tale sunt minunate , sunt unice ,parca fiecare are povestea ei acea poveste calda , inocenta , curata ne e transmisa noua si atunci cand o privesti te face sa-ti amintesti de anii copilariei cand nimic in jurul nostru nu era urat si murdar....

  3. Много красива композиция в традиционни коледни цветове!

  4. wow beautiful arrangement... love the red color...

  5. minunate!!!!! Inchipuieste-ti toate sinonimele de la "minunat" . Frumos cartonul embosat!

  6. Wow!!!lovely card!
    Nati from Brazil

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