Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas landscape

This is my first Christmas Tree and I love it.

To make it I used first as a base CR1236 Caroussel- Marianne Design ( the large size) and I made a cone from it. Over this cone I puted rossettes which were made by a X-cut border. You can use any border dies which have a lace pattern. Over it I sprayed a lot of snow  and I added silver and golden glitter.

I also made a tag and I used a house to complete the Christmas landscape.
COL1327 Christmas Village;
LR0107 Flora, Marianne Design;
LR0133 Open Flower, Marianne Design
LR0179 Rudolf, Marianne Design;
LR0286 Tiny's Pine Cones;
CR1243-Leave, Marianne Design;
PK9101- pretty Paper Bloc, Marianne Design;
Snow Spray, glitter

By this way I want to wish you all    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

Entry for this work:


  1. Beautiful Christmas tree and tag too :):)

  2. Very nice christmas card. A lot of work, but so beautiful. greetings and merry christmas and a healthy-2014. gr leny w

  3. Superb bradutul! dar intreg setul este incantator, imi place foarte mult! Un Craciun cat mai sanatos si mai fericit Mihaela!

  4. magnificient creation and fantastic colors and design.
    hugs from Ann

  5. Aww so so beautiful , very festive i love it too.
    Thank you for all your inspiration
    May i wish you and yours a very Happy Christmas and New Year .

    Elaine H X

  6. Wat weer fantastisch mooie creatie's.

    Groeten Marian

  7. These are both gorgeous. Love the tree - you are so creative. Merry Christmas.


  8. Gorgeous!
    I loved them all!
    Merry Christmas and a full of arts, joys and successes New Year!

  9. So beautiful love the subtle colors and beautiful tree

  10. Choinka jest cudowna! Tag też jest piękny!

  11. So adorable! Love the christmas tree!

  12. Beautiful set! And lovely photos! :)


Thanks for your sweet comment!