Thursday, April 17, 2014

Baby confirmation

My friend, Alexandrina, will celebrate her baby's confirmation and I made this work for this event. Hope she will like them.

LR0310 Elegant square, Marianne Design;
CR1272, Daisy + Leaves, Marianne Design;
LR0300 Anja's Border, Marianne Design;
LR0272, Vintage Frame, Marianne Design;
Labels Eighteen, Spellbinders;
Stacker Flower 2, Cheery Lynn;
Ribon, Candle

Friday, April 11, 2014

Wedding menu and place card

LR0309 Oval Lable, Marianne Design;
LR0200 Anja Corner, Marianne Design;
CR1204 Ovaal, Marianne Design;
COL1347 Party Numbers, Marianne Design;
Ribbon, lace

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Another orchid

LR0300 Anja's Border, Marianne Design;
CR1272 Leaves, Marianne Design;
LR0202 Anja Edge, Marianne Design;
CR1234 Clock, Marianne Design;
LR0253 Book, Marianne Design;
VK9528 Image- Marianne Design;
PK9105 Belle fleur, Pretty Paper Bloc, Marianne Design;
Ribbon, lace, ink, fimo for buds

Entry for this card: theshabbytearoom/week-212-pretty-in-pink