Saturday, June 2, 2012

Este vremea invitatiilor pentru banchet...

 It is the time of invitations to banquet, there is a little more of this school year. And because  I am class master to a Class VIII, I offered to make the  invitations to banquet. Here's what came out ...

Este vremea invitatiilor pentru banchet, a mai ramas putin din acest an scolar. Iar pentru ca sunt diriginta la  clasa  a VIII-a, m-am oferit sa fac eu invitatiile pentru banchet. Iata ce a iesit...

19 comentarii:

SiskiyouSue said...

As always, your work is gorgeous!

Nicoleta Ilie said... intotdeauna !!

Artes de Nágela said...

It was pretty much!

Baukje said...

Brilliant! I love you work Greetings Baukje

kasia123 said...

Piękne zaproszenia. Pozdrawiam.

Sweetie said...

Sunt atat de frumoase invitatiile, te-ai putea reprofila ... sa creezi invitatii de nunta. Foarte frumoase si delicate!

Andreja said...

Beautifull, beautifull, ... :-))

Nicoleta Ilie said...

nu ma satur sa le privesc.Ma intorc mereu sa privesc lucrarile tale.Mereu surprinzatoare!!

quilled paper paradise said...

Always elegant and so special!

chillin with Quillin said...

very elegant,they will love them!!!

Cristina said...

frumoase, delicate si elegante! bravo Mihaela!

Unknown said...

Как нежно и элегантно)))))

Anonymous said...

superbe! originale si unicate!

Neli Quilling said...

Михаела,поканите са страхотни!Много елегантни и изискани!Поздрави!

SUGANTHI said...

Lovely! all of them look alike and perfect.

Deni said...

Чудесни са- семпли и елегантни!

Anna Baldwin said...

They are so butifulle! Regards

Paper Compulsions said...

So beautiful and elegant!

Nancy Hill said...

My friend asked me to find out what embossing folder you used on this card. Would appreciate any help since it will be here birthday soon. You can e-mail me at Appreciate it.
Nancy Hill

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